Pam Rosenthal

erotic romance fiction

Featured: Bookshelf 1

A House East of Regent Street

The future looks bright for former sailor Jack Merion. His wartime heroics have won him influential contacts, and his good looks and flair for business are definite assets. With funds to invest, he’s on the brink of financial success in the high-stakes world of Regency London.

And buying the house in Soho Square is a can’t-miss opportunity. Once a fashionable brothel, the property will yield a good income in commercial rents and a clear path to the respectable life Jack has never known.

There’s only one problem – another prospective buyer. With a dark past, a desperate future, and some unmistakable assets of her own, Miss Cléo Myles is a formidable obstacle, one that Jack would be wise to steer clear of.

But instead, he proposes a bargain that’s as scandalous as it is irresistible.

Five afternoons. Five rooms. Uncountable pleasures…

…In a neighborhood that’s seen better days. And a house that’s seen everything except love.

Almost A Gentleman

A daring masquerade deliciously undressed…

For three years, London’s haute ton has been captivated by the cool elegance of a dandy named Mr. Philip “Phizz” Marston. Tall, refined, an expert gambler with a cold, unerring eye for style, Marston’s lightest comment can blackball a gentleman from society’s most exclusive clubs. But what keeps the ruthless social climbers attuned to his every word and move is something more unsettling…a grace and beauty that leaves women and men alike in a state of unthinkable yearning…

…and a burning gaze that compels David Hervey, Earl of Linseley, to discover the passionate woman beneath the masquerade.

…until every hidden desire is revealed

In this dazzling debut novel, Pam Rosenthal introduces a heroine whose lust for revenge commits her to a daring game in which the slightest glance could plunge her into dangerous discovery…and a hunger for one man leaves her open to every erotic temptation…